Monday, August 3, 2009

Instructional Applications of the Internet - August 3

Today I moved on with the work on my Instructional Website. Up to this point I have spent the majority of my time posting information content and images onto the site. This part was easy for me and represented instant-gratification, because I was quickly able to see a lot of visible progress in the site.

Since interactive elements are required in the website, I spent a while today learning how to add quizzes to my site. After seeing it discussed a lot on our Vista discussion board I decided to use Hot Potatoes to create my quizzes. After downloading and installing the software, I spent quite a while watching tutorials about the programs and practicing how to use them. I am excited about the possibilities that it presents.

I ended the Hot Potatoes experience by attempting to add images to my first quiz that I planned to make, but couldn't figure out how to get them up there. I would add the images from off of my computer and it would say that it worked well. When you finish the pages, it saves them then gives you the "View in Your Browser" option, which is actually just viewing the file on your hard drive not on the internet. For some reason even in this instance the images do not show up. I figured that they would because the images are on the same harddrive. Unfortunately, it didn't work as htm files on the harddrive or when they were posted to the internet.

Tomorrow I will try to figure out how to get the images to work--I will try posting them to my KSU space and then using links--and will figure out how to get them included in my web site--hopefully I can include them in a manner other than just as links.

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