Thursday, October 30, 2008

Current Issues - Week 8 - Part 2

Chapter 14 is about digital developments, television and video in particular.  As a child of the 80's video and television has been a constant part of my life & a nearly constant part of my education.  So, I don't view TV and video to be as big of a current issue in instructional technologies as others, though I am excited by the advanced that we've made.

As the text discusses, there have been numerous improvements in quality (color, HD, DTV), improved abilities to transport the signal (antenna, cable, fiber optic cable--I have this through AT&T UVerse now) and improvements in our ability to preserve television content (VCRs, DVDs, TiVo's, DVRs).  It also has become far easier to create video--just about anyone can do it now and the equipment is cheaper, more accessible and easier to use than ever before.  The advances in editing--iMovie for Apple-ites like myself--have improved the ability for any of us to make near-professional quality video.  All of these improvements have led to teachers' ability to utilize television and video as a form of presentation/instruction and our ability to archive those videos.

Channel One, a service that I experienced as a high school student in the 90's and now as a teacher in the 00's has provided a welcome source of televisions and student-engaging current events broadcasting.  It also provides the opportunity to easily access PBS educational videos.

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