Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Current Issues - Week 5

Well, I wish I was in bed now!  Unfortunately I'm trying to keep up with my coursework rather than my sleep!    My responsibilities at school are starting to wear on me, especially in the time constraints that they are imposing.  Because of this, it is hard to concentrate on my work for this course, but I am doing my best!

This week's issue is Computers in Education.  This is a definite "Current Issue in Educational Technology!"  I selected the Lab or Classroom  topic for my Issue.  In this scenario, I had to write a proposal to my district's (in the scenario) technology committee as to how I feel that 20 new computers should be used in our elementary school, which currently has no computers.  When I first read the scenario, I considered creating a computer lab to be the obvious best choice.  With more thought and consideration, I realized that this school had no computers in any classrooms, nor did the teachers have computer of their own, unlike my real school.  When I realized this, I decided that it was obvious that computers were necessary in the classrooms, even if they were used solely by the teachers for research and instruction.  They would hopefully also be used for student investigation and differentiation.  This is especially relevant in an elementary school classroom where the students stay all day, unlike my middle school classroom where the students are only in the room for 50 minutes at a time.

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