This issue was about Professional Development - something that I am very interested in, because I know how difficult teachers can be to work with and how much professional development is needed. This Catch-22--a need for more technology training with a lack of training time and cooperation--has interested me in my recent years as a teacher.
Unfortunately, this assignment did not interest me as much (sorry!). The idea of writing a Needs Assessment was not only not interesting, but brought back dreadful memories of late nights spent working on my ID project a few years ago. With that said, I completely agree with the rationale of a Needs Assessment and the necessity of, well, assessing the need for particular teaching & training. On the other hand, I also completely agree with the rationale of root canals and taxes.
I was a bit confused as to what was meant to be done. Were we to actually perform a needs assessment? How would one go about assessing the needs of a make believe staff of teachers? After some discussion with Dr. Ingram in Palace, I got a better grip on what was expected for this assignment and was able to proceed.
Once I started working on the assignment, I did find it interesting to consider where the levels of our teachers really were. I assume that some are technological luddites, but what can and can't they do? In the position of a technology director, it's obvious that there is a need to assess where one must begin to bring all teachers up to level.
This project helped me realize what a daunting task training a staff of teachers with varying ages, varying levels of technological experience and varying levels of motivation could be.